Angelica har haft en privat klänningsprovning idag och hon är mycket nöjd (för en gångs skull). Har gått igenom hennes lilla klänningsgarderob och även en ny dragkedjsklänning (denna gång från lindex) som är SKITSNYGG:
Alltså, jämför intelligensnivån på det senaste årets inlägg med alla inlägg innan så kan man se en sharp decline. Men det är lugnt, jag använder fortfarande hjärnan, bara inte i bloggen...
måndag 6 februari 2012
Ibland händer det något litet men det känns som att det är en brunn som brustit och allt bara forsar fram. På en gång. Jävla vårflod fast på vintern.
MARIKA!!!!! Gissa vad jag hittade på tradera? PRECIS SAMMA KLÄNNING! I RÄTT STORLEK! Med 3 timmar kvar till sista tid! Priset låg på 49kr.
(bild från annons ---->)
Dock så kommer inte den att hitta sitt nya hem hos mig...

(bild från annons ---->)
Dock så kommer inte den att hitta sitt nya hem hos mig...
tisdag 31 januari 2012
Stockholm! :D
Gissa vem som ska fara och hälsa på Marika? Gissa vem som ska fara och hälsa på Marika imorgon? Gissa vem som har supermycket att göra innan hon far? Gissa vem som är så glad så hon struntar i allt hon behöver göra och börjar packa först istället?
That's right. Me.
That's right. Me.
måndag 30 januari 2012
Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun
I love this TED talk. I ADORE this TED talk. Why? Because it is so important to be able to have an open, constructive discussion on weapons and violence. One comment stated that "where the government has a weapon monopoly there can never be democracy". I don't agree. Our police carries guns to give them authority and protection while serving on our streets - not because they "like guns". Same argument is rarely applied when you talk about the army, but in the end they have the same purpose only on a bigger scale. Of course, that does not mean it's only so, but I think it would be a good thing to try and implement a more positive view on why we have an army - I think that would also give more of the right kind of people reason to apply.
söndag 29 januari 2012
fredag 27 januari 2012
Mindmap/Rambling/Useful solution-mapping
I really ought to stop. You can't change people so it's only folly to try. People are who people are and the only one you can change is yourself.
Just imagine how wonderful it will be when you move away from home again. Your place. Your things. No more arguing over which cover goes where, over who put the what where and why somebody else's this is lying around on top of that.
Einstein said the definition of idiocy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. So I'm trying to stop doing that.
Fact 1: Clutter makes me crazy.
Fact 2: It doesn't matter who put it there, it still makes me crazy.
Fact 3: I live at my parents house. Not my. Theirs.
Fact 4: One wants to throw away, the other wants to buy.
Fact 5: That will never stop creating conflicts.
Fact 6: It feels good to try and do something about an issue.
Fact 7: You can't change people.
Fact 8: Those last two facts don't mix.
Fact 9: Compromising makes everyone feel good.
Fact 10: Executing the compromises don't.
Fact 11: Fact 8 is guilty as charged.
Fact 12: This is still not your house.
Conclusion: Live with it.
But how? Try and keep your own areas clean? Does not really make a difference. What 20% of the effort will bring 80% of the resistance. What is the path of least resistance? Why am I blubbering about more or less psychological terms when I need to figure out a way to deal with the issue at hand. But the thing is, I know how to deal with it. Stop killing yourself over it. Big deal. Take care of your own messes, hopefully right away as to not make it worse for yourself. Do some of the things you don't have to do. Don't mention that you'd like it cleaner. Stop thinking that you'd like it cleaner. Or use that to motivate you. No, wait, don't. You're not going to be able to find anywhere to live even if you can afford it. The goal is getting somewhere to live while studying, and that you are not doing yet. Back to point. Stop getting annoyed by it. How? Stop acknowledging it. It's not your mess. You are not seeing it. It is not there. Be zen. Bullshit. Better solution wanted. Make an honest commitment to yourself. You are not going to try to affect it. There is no use in getting annooyed by things you cannot change. This, too, shall pass.
Yeah right.
Blue hawk out.
Just imagine how wonderful it will be when you move away from home again. Your place. Your things. No more arguing over which cover goes where, over who put the what where and why somebody else's this is lying around on top of that.
Einstein said the definition of idiocy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. So I'm trying to stop doing that.
Fact 1: Clutter makes me crazy.
Fact 2: It doesn't matter who put it there, it still makes me crazy.
Fact 3: I live at my parents house. Not my. Theirs.
Fact 4: One wants to throw away, the other wants to buy.
Fact 5: That will never stop creating conflicts.
Fact 6: It feels good to try and do something about an issue.
Fact 7: You can't change people.
Fact 8: Those last two facts don't mix.
Fact 9: Compromising makes everyone feel good.
Fact 10: Executing the compromises don't.
Fact 11: Fact 8 is guilty as charged.
Fact 12: This is still not your house.
Conclusion: Live with it.
But how? Try and keep your own areas clean? Does not really make a difference. What 20% of the effort will bring 80% of the resistance. What is the path of least resistance? Why am I blubbering about more or less psychological terms when I need to figure out a way to deal with the issue at hand. But the thing is, I know how to deal with it. Stop killing yourself over it. Big deal. Take care of your own messes, hopefully right away as to not make it worse for yourself. Do some of the things you don't have to do. Don't mention that you'd like it cleaner. Stop thinking that you'd like it cleaner. Or use that to motivate you. No, wait, don't. You're not going to be able to find anywhere to live even if you can afford it. The goal is getting somewhere to live while studying, and that you are not doing yet. Back to point. Stop getting annoyed by it. How? Stop acknowledging it. It's not your mess. You are not seeing it. It is not there. Be zen. Bullshit. Better solution wanted. Make an honest commitment to yourself. You are not going to try to affect it. There is no use in getting annooyed by things you cannot change. This, too, shall pass.
Yeah right.
Blue hawk out.
lördag 21 januari 2012
Jag vill bli ToK-lärare, är det för mycket att begära?
Dock så är det ju svårt att vara irriterad på någon när de svarar lugnt och fint och snällt. Det är ju liksom inte hans fel att han inte fick ha ToK i skolan.
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